Monday, July 7, 2008

Governor Deval Patrick's Daughter Says She's a Lesbian

Eighteen year old Katherine Patrick (seen-l), daughter of Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick (seen-r) and mom Diane, recently decided to come out to her parents. 

The young teen stated that it was the easiest experience, because her parents responded with so much love and hugs. The Patrick's told their story to Bay Windows, a gay newspaper in their home state.

This is an incredible moment for all LGBT African Americans, because the black gay community isn't as easily accepted among their race.

Mass murders and brutal beatings of many gay and lesbians have taken place, simply because of who they choose to love. 

People often fear what they don't understand and this usually gives way to cruel and malicious acts, to invoke fear in others as a way of attaining a stronger base of hate.

Governor of New York David Paterson was quoted in a N.Y. Times article stating that when he was little,  

"There was a gay couple close to his family and they would always help him with his spelling as a little boy." Governor Paterson went on to say, "People who live together for a long time would like to be married, as far as I'm concerned, I think it's beautiful."

Both Governor Patrick and Governor Paterson, support gay marriage. Thanks for the support guys!

2008 LA

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