Sunday, January 25, 2009

'Prayers For Bobby' - Film Review

Last night 'Prayers For Bobby' came on twice, in which I tuned in both times. 

This film dealt with the harsh reality of discrimination and how it played itself against a young man, who was still coming to terms with his sexuality. This film was riveting, touching, and mind blowing all at the same time. The actors in the film were excellent while bringing you through every compelling moment of Bobby's life.

Any parent that is homophobic and/or has a gay child should watch this movie. 

Bobby wasn't strong enough in mind but his death was not in vain because his family's eyes are now opened to the ignorance, fear, and judgment that they once knew -- which seems now to be an after thought. 

Bobby's death taught his family a very valuable lesson, and now they continue to teach that valuable lesson to others. Making this film was the best gift they could have given Bobby. I just hope that parents of gay and lesbian people don't have to continuously lose their children in order to realize what they have.

If God is love and he loves you as you are, and says come as you are, why are parents so quick to give up on loving their children? 

Is it because they're afraid of what others may say? If a parent feels they should love their child any less because of who their child loves, then I think parents need to step back and re-evaluate what it truly means to love someone.

The Bible has been re-written numerous times and interpreted in so many ways; how can one truly know the original state? 

In the Bible it says homosexuality is an abomination; but did you know that in the bible it also says eating shellfish is an abomination; and if a woman isn't a virgin before marriage she should be stoned to death; and if a child disobeys their parent the child should be put to death? 

The Bible also says if you mix wool and linen together, or if a man lays with another man's wife those are also abominations. 

However, do we as a people literally put our children to death if they disobey us? Do we stone a woman for not being a virgin before marriage? Absolutely not! 

The word homosexuality or homosexual was invented in the 18th century by a German-Hungarian writer named, K.M. Kertbeny

The word "homosexual" was written in the Bible in 1942, which means neither Jesus nor a prophet had nothing to do with the word as it was man made, but since the word wasn't original to the Bible why was it then added in? To cause divisiveness?

Thank you Mrs. Griffith and family, for having the courage to share your story with the world. You have done Bobby and so many others a great service.

'Prayers For Bobby' airs again on the Lifetime network, Tuesday, January 27th at 9pm.

2009 LA

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