Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Homosexual: Where the Word Really Came From

German Nazi labels seen above; used to separate homosexual Jews from heterosexual Jews; less social Jews; etc.

The first known appearance of the word homosexual in print is found in an 1869 German pamphlet by the Austrian born novelist and activist Karl-Maria Kertbeny, which was published anonymously. 

Mr. Kertbeny, eventually changed his last name to Benkert. His pamphlet is titled: "Paragraph 143 of the Prussian Penal Code of 14 April 1851" and its reaffirmation as "Paragraph 152 in the Proposed Penal Code for the Norddeutscher Bund."

Karl-Maria Benkert argued that the Prussia (German) Sodomy law violated the "rights of men", and by enforcing the law written in Paragraph 175 in the legal code of the German Empire, it states homosexual acts between males is a crime. 

Nazi's indoctrinated this rule back in 1871, amidst Jewish slavery times. In 1907 Nazi's expanded the law to include lesbian sexual acts as crimes; masturbating next to a person was also considered a lewd and criminal act.

Suspected gays were sent to concentration camps during the Holocaust, without any legal justification that they were actually gay. Even if they were acquitted or had already served their sentence in jail, they were still sent to concentration camps and confined. 

The number of gay people in concentration camps were hard to estimate but German American writer Richard Plant, gives a rough estimate of men convicted of homosexuality "between 1933 (when Nazi's came to power in Germany) and 1945 almost 100,000 Jewish men were convicted", and only about 4,000 survived.

In 1945, concentration camps were liberated but homosexual prisoners were not freed. They were made to serve out their sentence under the German legal code of Paragraph 175, with some serving sentences as long as twenty years. In 2002, the German government issued an official apology to the gay community.

Being that the word "homosexual" was created by man in the late 1800's, how did the word get into the Bible in 1942? 

Did Nazi's have that much control that they were able to also control what went into the Bible? And if that's the case, what else could have been rewritten in the Bible that we aren't aware of

Is this why new versions of the Bible are constantly being made, as a way to keep order and control by using words that are supposed to be sacred and original? 

Is the Bible used religiously as a way to drive a wedge between families and people? It seems as if Nazi's created or helped to create, an entire divisive process by using labels to separate Jews, all while brainwashing them to judge others who were different.   

The German government apologized to the gay community for the mass killings, imprisonment, and division. If there are any Jewish prisoners from the Holocaust still living the German government should give more than an apology, they should give monetary assets and incorporate an official Gay Pride Day.

There is so much information I hadn't a clue of regarding the Holocaust, and I always thought Jews were only murdered for being Jews; indicative of Blacks being murdered for being Black, but we see how lies or "third party" interpreted news runs a lot deeper than we think.

Check out 'The Pink Triangle': The Nazi War against Homosexuals 1986; German translation, 1991. 

There's also a documentary on this subject from the year 2002, titled 'Paragraph 175' directed by Rob Epstein, Jeffrey Friedman, and narrated by Rupert Everett.  

2009 LA