Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Gay Student Protests Blood Drive For Discrimination

Dustin Weinstein, a 20-year-old sophomore at Montclair State University, decided to help the New Jersey blood drive since the organization needed donors. 

Last November Dustin, was turned away from a Red Cross blood drive on campus. The rationale for the ban according to the FDA website is that, "Men who have had sex with other men account for the largest single group of blood donors who are found HIV positive by blood donor testing. By eliminating that group, the risk of transmitting HIV is diminished", the report said.

Does the FDA have statistical facts which proves that most HIV tainted blood comes from gay men?

Personally, I gave blood to a blood drive at my Alma mater years ago, and was shocked to find out that 85 percent of the blood had to be thrown out due to HIV infection. Moreover, I discovered that the majority of the tainted blood came from heterosexual people -- not gay people. So the misconception that AIDS is a gay disease is a bunch of baloney.

When AIDS was first reported by the Center for Disease Control in 1981, rumors about where AIDS came from began to circulate like wildfire. 

First we were told that monkeys brought AIDS to America from Africa, then we were told that AIDS came from gay men -- and this rumor stuck for a while due to the overwhelming prejudice against gay people.

After researching where AIDS really came from -- this is what I unearthed:

In 1969 George H.W. Bush explained to Congress (click link and read page 30 and up for facts), how allegedly runaway birth rates for African Americans were down-breeding the "American" population (but since African Americans are Americans, then how could they down-breed the American population?) 

However, Bush felt there needed to be something done in order to control the growth of the Black race and on June 9, 1969, Dr. D.M. MacArthur, Deputy Director of Research and Technology for the Pentagon, requested a sum of ten million dollars from the Congressional House Subcommittee on Appropriations, in order to develop a new contagious micro-organism capable of destroying the human immune system, but first the virus would have to be created. 

Ten years later in America, this resulted in the virus now known as 'Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome' (AIDS).

To read more on this subject matter, I received partial research from here.

Medical Correspondent for the Sunday Times Neville Hodgkinson (seen-r), noted that the virus appeared in America first -- and not in Africa nor anywhere else. 

He explained how increasingly complex procedures were taken -- to diagnose the virus, "but the basic problem was not being able to validate any of these procedures against pure virus taken from patients - still remains."

The medical professional then revealed in detail that both the HIV tests and statistics concerning AIDS, had been manipulated in a duplicitous manner and it would seem that the main beneficiaries would be the pharmaceutical firms. 

As Comedian/Actor Chris Rock once said in his Bigger and Blacker stand-up comedy, "There ain't no money in the cure, the money is in the medicine!"

Dustin Weinstein, this article is a tribute to you. 

No more will you have to feel as if gay people are the epicenter of AIDS, due to a long standing rumor that was conceived out of pure hate as well as the need to cover one's tracks -- as slowly but surely the real truth behind the story comes in to the light. 

2009 LA