Friday, January 13, 2012

Gay Marriage Is A Threat To Humanity!

While addressing diplomats from 180 countries on economic and social issues facing the world today, Pope Benedict was clear on one mantra; gay marriage is a threat to humanity.

Pope Benedict's exact words"This is not a simple social convention, but rather the fundamental cell of every society. Consequently, policies which undermine the family threaten human dignity and the future of humanity itself," he said.

The Vatican and Catholic officials around the world have protested against moves to legalize gay marriage in Europe, and other developed parts of the world. 

The Roman Catholic Church teaches that while homosexual tendencies are not sinful -- homosexual acts are, and that children should grow up in a traditional family with a mother and a father.

This is also the same Pope Benedict, that ostracizes the use of birth control and wishes it never existed! This is also the same institution that argued the world was flat when in fact the world is round.

My point is, the biggest threat to humanity is ABSOLUTELY not gay marriage. 

The biggest threats to humanity are: liars, cheaters, conscious ignorance, thieves, murderers, pedophiles, rapists, global warming, war, famine, and disease. Isn't it interesting that for decades the Catholic church, seemed to always fall under the pedophilia category?

Marriage is a civil right not a lucky win at poker. Gay and lesbian couples wish to marry for love as anyone else; the Pope acts as if one wishes to make a mockery of what marriage truly means. If he needs mockery of marriage I suggest he tune in to Keeping Up With The Kardashians (hint Kim), or The Bachelor.

How is gay marriage a threat to humanity, when gay people have been around since the beginning of time? 

There's been constant pro-creation in the world and being gay didn't stop it from happening. Billions of people have been born and they didn't all get here through intercourse, or by being born into a heterosexual family. 

Homosexuals and heterosexuals both have gay and straight babies, period. Since no one is at fault for actually birthing a gay person, how can a gay person be at fault for being gay? 

But how many Catholic priests are caught molesting little boys, defying their celibacy by having children, and siphoning funds from their parishes? To many to count!

Why just today, Monsignor Kevin McAuliffe age 59, who's a Roman Catholic priest, was recently sentenced to three years and one month in federal prison for siphoning some $650,000 dollars from his Northwest Las Vegas parish, in order to support his gambling habit. Need I say more?

2013 Update: Pope Benedict resigns from the Vatican, to be openly gay with his longtime partner. Ay dio mio!

#Smh #Hypocrite #Lies

2012 LA

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Historical Kiss On The Docks

Petty Officer 2nd Class Marissa Gaeta won a raffle on the dock landing ship Oak Hill, to be the first to kiss a loved one on its return to Virginia Beach; Petty Officer 3rd Class Citlalic Snell was waiting.

It's truly amazing seeing a couple who hasn't seen each other in months, come together to embrace what brought them to each other in the first place; love. Without judgement or prejudice...simply love.

2012 LA

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Gay Airman Comes Out To Dad

Today officially ends the era of 'Don't ask, Don't Tell', which was a law put in place by our government to discriminate, humiliate, and degrade all gay and lesbians serving in the military. Under the watchful eye of President Obama, this law exists no more.

Click here to see an airman calling his father today September 20, 2011, to tell him he is gay. 

This is a huge moment for many gay and lesbian military individuals, and I hope watching this video will encourage others to hold their heads up high while owning their truths.

2011 LA

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Gay Student Protests for LGBT Rights At Michelle Bachmann Rally

Kudos to Gabe Aderhold (seen above), a seventeen year old gay student who stood his ground during a speech given by Congresswoman Michele Bachmann on the campaign trail earlier this month. 

Aderhold stated that before heckling Michele Bachmann at the Iowa State Fair, his mission was to help educate the representative about how harmful her rhetoric is against gay and lesbians who are also her constituents. 

As a state Senator Michele Bachmann also led aggressive efforts to amend the state’s constitution, to prohibit same-sex couples from marrying.

But Aderhold seemed adamant in bringing awareness to gay issues, due to the death of a family friend who committed suicide in 2009 after being bullied. The friend was only 15 years old. 

Aderhold expressed that,“It is her responsibility to address social issues in her area, and there have been six suicides in the last year from being bullied in her district,” the student commented to The Des Moines Register -- prior to heckling Michele Bachmann today at the Iowa State Fair.

Bachmann spoke for three minutes at the soapbox today. When she stopped talking Aderhold stood up and shouted: “You treat me like a second-class citizen,” before chanting. “Shame on you!”

Bachmann’s husband Marcus, operates a mental-health clinic in Lake Elmo, Minnesota. He has faced scrutiny for the clinic’s purported efforts to help clients “pray the gay away."

The young activist also made sure to mention Bachmanns' senate efforts, in keeping the ridiculous praying techniques. “You can’t pray the gay away,” he screamed at Marcus Bachmann, who turned away and did not respond. 

The congresswoman commented earlier that she would shake hands with people in the audience, but after being heckled she quickly left the area.

Gabe, thank you for standing up not just for yourself but for all LGBT people. You are a hero! Keep up the good work!

2011 LA

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New York Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage

June 24, 2011, New York became the sixth largest state to legalize same-sex marriage. 

The New York Assembly passed same-sex marriage legislation twice before in 2007 and 2009, but in both cases it stalled in the state senate as it nearly did again last week. 

The bill passed after legislators agreed on language allowing religious organizations, to refuse to perform services or lend space for same-sex weddings.

New York is home to more than 42,000 same-sex couples according to an analysis of U.S. census data conducted by the Williams Institute. This means among other things, that the number of same-sex couples living in states allowing same-sex marriage has doubled overnight.

Massachusetts was the first state to legalize gay marriage in 2004, beginning a trend that will quickly submerge most states in a decade.

A report last month from New York's Senate Independent Democratic Conference, estimated the state would earn nearly $400 million dollars over the next three years from gay and lesbian couples getting married; including tourism, weddings, sales-tax revenue, and wedding license fees.

This moment means so much to gay and lesbian couples all over the country. But to all my gay and lesbian peeps out there, please do not be naive to the fact that things can change. This is a big accomplishment however, don't forget what happened in California when gay marriage passed and then was suddenly revoked. 

The big difference between the two states is that California passed a court ruling for gay marriage, and New York passed legislation which President Obama will sign into law. 

When California legalized same-sex marriage in 2008, I fully believed it was strictly for the purpose of increasing revenue within that state. This country was headed for a second Great Depression and ex-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, had run the state of California into the ground and so much so, that instead of Californians receiving their income taxes in the mail they received an I.O.U.!

A little advice: Don't have a ridiculously huge and expensive wedding until you know for sure that gay marriage is the law of the land. Should marriage equality be revoked for whatever reason all it leaves you with is debt up to your ears and a broken heart, and leaves New York with increased revenue.

2011 LA

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Miss Lawrence 'Closet Freak' (2011)

Yeeesss Miss Lawrence! Work it!

If you're a regular viewer of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, then you couldn't have missed the public performance of Miss Lawrence. OMG! Talk about working it out! Now this is "real" talent -- hint Kim Zolciak.

Miss Lawrences' vocals are undeniably excellent! The deep, velvety, smoothness of her voice reminds me of a modern day, Donny Hathaway. 

The beat of the music knocks hard but gives strong bass, while Miss Lawrence's beautiful baritone voice compliments the track very well.

When listening to the song you feel intensity, energy, happy, and whatever was sleeping inside you immediately wakes up and forces your arms, shoulders, legs, and feet, to move in unison while your head rocks and fingers snap!

Kandi Burrus, you did an excellent job with production and I hope you take this young stunna all the way to the top!

Click below to hear song. So AmAzInG!

2011 LA

Friday, November 26, 2010

Movie Review On: The Kids Are Alright

Watching the much anticipated and celebrated lesbian flick The Kids Are Alright, the first thing evident was the average looking women in the film. 

It was only noticeable because I had grown accustomed to seeing very hot, very sexy, lipstick type lesbians on television. 

For example: The Real L-Word is a lesbian based series that airs seasonally on Showtime, and consists of mostly attractive females. I guess I was spoiled in thinking that all shows would keep up this trend -- but I digress.

The two actresses in the film were very plain Jane in appearance, but as you got to know the character's personalities -- little by little, you began to see the attractive qualities about them. These same qualities locked me into the film and I found myself thoroughly enjoying the film along with the great acting skills, until my enjoyment was killed due to a male counterpart that made his way into the film while ultimately, reaching his goal of sleeping with one of the moms -- and multiple times at that! 

I'm not against heterosexual sex at all, but when there aren't many lesbian flicks to begin with the last thing you want to see is a lesbian having sex with a man; it defeats the whole purpose of watching a "lesbian" film. 

In one scene, the children of the lesbian couple wanted to meet their sperm donor; this part was understandable because there's always a piece of you that desires to know who you are and where you came from. The children wanting to meet their donor gave way to the donor spending a lot of time with the family -- which resulted in a marital affair. 

Due to stigmas placed on the gay community, sex scenes in films are very limited. However, heterosexual sex in film is widely accepted and even more detailed; this is also true in The Kids Are Alright, where there are more heterosexual sex scenes then lesbian sex scenes.

In conclusion: the storyline and acting was great, I just wish the movie didn't make lesbians appear boring, sexless and deprived.

2011 LA

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lesbian Bridal Bliss

                        Aisha Mills and Danielle Moodie tie the knot!

Essence online magazine decided to shine light on beauty from another side of the tracks.

The first lesbian Bridal Bliss highlight! About time! Thanks Essence!

To view the brides' photos click here.

2010 LA