Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Gay Student Protests Blood Drive For Discrimination

Dustin Weinstein, a 20-year-old sophomore at Montclair State University, decided to help the New Jersey blood drive since the organization needed donors. 

Last November Dustin, was turned away from a Red Cross blood drive on campus. The rationale for the ban according to the FDA website is that, "Men who have had sex with other men account for the largest single group of blood donors who are found HIV positive by blood donor testing. By eliminating that group, the risk of transmitting HIV is diminished", the report said.

Does the FDA have statistical facts which proves that most HIV tainted blood comes from gay men?

Personally, I gave blood to a blood drive at my Alma mater years ago, and was shocked to find out that 85 percent of the blood had to be thrown out due to HIV infection. Moreover, I discovered that the majority of the tainted blood came from heterosexual people -- not gay people. So the misconception that AIDS is a gay disease is a bunch of baloney.

When AIDS was first reported by the Center for Disease Control in 1981, rumors about where AIDS came from began to circulate like wildfire. 

First we were told that monkeys brought AIDS to America from Africa, then we were told that AIDS came from gay men -- and this rumor stuck for a while due to the overwhelming prejudice against gay people.

After researching where AIDS really came from -- this is what I unearthed:

In 1969 George H.W. Bush explained to Congress (click link and read page 30 and up for facts), how allegedly runaway birth rates for African Americans were down-breeding the "American" population (but since African Americans are Americans, then how could they down-breed the American population?) 

However, Bush felt there needed to be something done in order to control the growth of the Black race and on June 9, 1969, Dr. D.M. MacArthur, Deputy Director of Research and Technology for the Pentagon, requested a sum of ten million dollars from the Congressional House Subcommittee on Appropriations, in order to develop a new contagious micro-organism capable of destroying the human immune system, but first the virus would have to be created. 

Ten years later in America, this resulted in the virus now known as 'Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome' (AIDS).

To read more on this subject matter, I received partial research from here.

Medical Correspondent for the Sunday Times Neville Hodgkinson (seen-r), noted that the virus appeared in America first -- and not in Africa nor anywhere else. 

He explained how increasingly complex procedures were taken -- to diagnose the virus, "but the basic problem was not being able to validate any of these procedures against pure virus taken from patients - still remains."

The medical professional then revealed in detail that both the HIV tests and statistics concerning AIDS, had been manipulated in a duplicitous manner and it would seem that the main beneficiaries would be the pharmaceutical firms. 

As Comedian/Actor Chris Rock once said in his Bigger and Blacker stand-up comedy, "There ain't no money in the cure, the money is in the medicine!"

Dustin Weinstein, this article is a tribute to you. 

No more will you have to feel as if gay people are the epicenter of AIDS, due to a long standing rumor that was conceived out of pure hate as well as the need to cover one's tracks -- as slowly but surely the real truth behind the story comes in to the light. 

2009 LA

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Homosexual: Where the Word Really Came From

German Nazi labels seen above; used to separate homosexual Jews from heterosexual Jews; less social Jews; etc.

The first known appearance of the word homosexual in print is found in an 1869 German pamphlet by the Austrian born novelist and activist Karl-Maria Kertbeny, which was published anonymously. 

Mr. Kertbeny, eventually changed his last name to Benkert. His pamphlet is titled: "Paragraph 143 of the Prussian Penal Code of 14 April 1851" and its reaffirmation as "Paragraph 152 in the Proposed Penal Code for the Norddeutscher Bund."

Karl-Maria Benkert argued that the Prussia (German) Sodomy law violated the "rights of men", and by enforcing the law written in Paragraph 175 in the legal code of the German Empire, it states homosexual acts between males is a crime. 

Nazi's indoctrinated this rule back in 1871, amidst Jewish slavery times. In 1907 Nazi's expanded the law to include lesbian sexual acts as crimes; masturbating next to a person was also considered a lewd and criminal act.

Suspected gays were sent to concentration camps during the Holocaust, without any legal justification that they were actually gay. Even if they were acquitted or had already served their sentence in jail, they were still sent to concentration camps and confined. 

The number of gay people in concentration camps were hard to estimate but German American writer Richard Plant, gives a rough estimate of men convicted of homosexuality "between 1933 (when Nazi's came to power in Germany) and 1945 almost 100,000 Jewish men were convicted", and only about 4,000 survived.

In 1945, concentration camps were liberated but homosexual prisoners were not freed. They were made to serve out their sentence under the German legal code of Paragraph 175, with some serving sentences as long as twenty years. In 2002, the German government issued an official apology to the gay community.

Being that the word "homosexual" was created by man in the late 1800's, how did the word get into the Bible in 1942? 

Did Nazi's have that much control that they were able to also control what went into the Bible? And if that's the case, what else could have been rewritten in the Bible that we aren't aware of

Is this why new versions of the Bible are constantly being made, as a way to keep order and control by using words that are supposed to be sacred and original? 

Is the Bible used religiously as a way to drive a wedge between families and people? It seems as if Nazi's created or helped to create, an entire divisive process by using labels to separate Jews, all while brainwashing them to judge others who were different.   

The German government apologized to the gay community for the mass killings, imprisonment, and division. If there are any Jewish prisoners from the Holocaust still living the German government should give more than an apology, they should give monetary assets and incorporate an official Gay Pride Day.

There is so much information I hadn't a clue of regarding the Holocaust, and I always thought Jews were only murdered for being Jews; indicative of Blacks being murdered for being Black, but we see how lies or "third party" interpreted news runs a lot deeper than we think.

Check out 'The Pink Triangle': The Nazi War against Homosexuals 1986; German translation, 1991. 

There's also a documentary on this subject from the year 2002, titled 'Paragraph 175' directed by Rob Epstein, Jeffrey Friedman, and narrated by Rupert Everett.  

2009 LA

Friday, January 30, 2009

OutBurst UK Presents Lesbian Drama: She Wasn't Last Night

Outburst UK is proud to present 'She Wasn't Last Night'.

A first full feature film based on black same gender loving women, will premiere in the UK as part of its LGBT History Month. The film will be followed by a Q&A with the director, Darice Jones.

She Wasn't Last Night follows the beautiful activist Shantel Crockett, who's slammed by drama as her relationship with Reyna (a companion 10 years her junior) begins to crumble. To make matters worse charming player Jack (Jacqueline), is determined to make Reyna hers if only for one night. 

With her jewelry making talent long abandoned and her mounting feelings of failure in her work supporting LGBTQ youth, Shantel is forced to face Reyna's despair and has to decide what kind of life she wants for herself. 

Shantel’s best friend Vanessa encourages her to move on and find meaning of her own artistic expressions, and maybe even find a new love. Meanwhile, one of Shantel’s student's Afro-Dominican poet Reggie, struggles to find her own path and voice. With the help of a small community of good friends and mentors both Shantel and Reggie, learn valuable lessons they will never forget.

Griot Soul Films does not save the drama for your mama, in fact, the cast is made up of an eclectic group of social activists, artists, educators, professional actors, beginning actors, and even an engineer. Common to all these strong women is a heartfelt commitment to storytelling coupled with the talent and dedication to tell the story well.

The cast is 100% African descended, majority LGBTQ, and 100% supportive of the creation of complex film images of Black people throughout the Diaspora.

Writer/Director: Darice Jones

Date: Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Venue: London South Bank University

The Keyworth Centre Main Auditorium

Keyworth Street London SE1 6NG


Doors Open: 6:30pm Film Starts: 7:00pm

2009 LA

Sunday, January 25, 2009

'Prayers For Bobby' - Film Review

Last night 'Prayers For Bobby' came on twice, in which I tuned in both times. 

This film dealt with the harsh reality of discrimination and how it played itself against a young man, who was still coming to terms with his sexuality. This film was riveting, touching, and mind blowing all at the same time. The actors in the film were excellent while bringing you through every compelling moment of Bobby's life.

Any parent that is homophobic and/or has a gay child should watch this movie. 

Bobby wasn't strong enough in mind but his death was not in vain because his family's eyes are now opened to the ignorance, fear, and judgment that they once knew -- which seems now to be an after thought. 

Bobby's death taught his family a very valuable lesson, and now they continue to teach that valuable lesson to others. Making this film was the best gift they could have given Bobby. I just hope that parents of gay and lesbian people don't have to continuously lose their children in order to realize what they have.

If God is love and he loves you as you are, and says come as you are, why are parents so quick to give up on loving their children? 

Is it because they're afraid of what others may say? If a parent feels they should love their child any less because of who their child loves, then I think parents need to step back and re-evaluate what it truly means to love someone.

The Bible has been re-written numerous times and interpreted in so many ways; how can one truly know the original state? 

In the Bible it says homosexuality is an abomination; but did you know that in the bible it also says eating shellfish is an abomination; and if a woman isn't a virgin before marriage she should be stoned to death; and if a child disobeys their parent the child should be put to death? 

The Bible also says if you mix wool and linen together, or if a man lays with another man's wife those are also abominations. 

However, do we as a people literally put our children to death if they disobey us? Do we stone a woman for not being a virgin before marriage? Absolutely not! 

The word homosexuality or homosexual was invented in the 18th century by a German-Hungarian writer named, K.M. Kertbeny

The word "homosexual" was written in the Bible in 1942, which means neither Jesus nor a prophet had nothing to do with the word as it was man made, but since the word wasn't original to the Bible why was it then added in? To cause divisiveness?

Thank you Mrs. Griffith and family, for having the courage to share your story with the world. You have done Bobby and so many others a great service.

'Prayers For Bobby' airs again on the Lifetime network, Tuesday, January 27th at 9pm.

2009 LA

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Comedian Wanda Sykes Is A Lesbian

The discriminatory law Prop 8, has permanently passed while undoing thousands of same-sex marriages that recently took place.

Communities of all sexual orientations came together to rally in 300 cities across the nation, with as many as 180,000 people protesting for equal rights.

And as a result, I found out that comedian/actress Wanda Sykes is indeed a lesbian, as she came out at a rally while protesting for marriage equality. 

Sykes lending her voice to the cause definitely shines more light on the matter, and I wish more high profile homosexuals would do the same. 

2008 LA

Monday, November 3, 2008

Go Get Your Girl On

A friend of mine has worked tirelessly to get her website up and running, but she's finally done it and I'm very proud of her.

This new site is an outlet for all LGBTQ people, even straight folks if that's what you like lol!

The site is an online lesbian magazine that talks about LGBT events, celebrity lesbians, everyday lesbians, lesbian film, lesbian music, lesbian sports and life as a lesbian.

Please click here to see the site. 

2008 LA

November Fourth Vote No To Prop 8

Prop 8 is set to appear on California ballots for the election tomorrow, and we can only hope that it's shot down unanimously.

May 15, 2008, the California Supreme Court ruled that denying same-sex couples the right to marry violated the promise of equality in the California Constitution. 

Prop 8 was described as a discriminatory action that should be stopped. If this civil right is taken away LGBT couples that were married on May 15th and onward, their marriage licenses will be revoked. 

LGBT couples deserve the right to love whomever they love, and marry whomever they choose. Denying marriage rights won't change the fact that there is and will always be gay and lesbian people in this world, who will never stop fighting for justice.

Bill Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, and Barack Obama all denounce Prop 8, and have stated that they will vote no to it. 

Actors America Ferrera, and Samuel L. Jackson, are also against this discriminatory act and encourage all to vote "no" tomorrow on your ballots.

Do what's right people. Vote against discrimination!

2008 LA

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Heterosexuals Verses Homosexuals: Who Values Marriage More?

Gay magazine 'The Advocate', wrote an article on gay marriage possibly being revoked in California on November 4th election day, due to Prop 8

Gay and lesbian activists are fighting to keep this right by having petitions signed, proving that the right to marry should stay binding.

Comparing and contrasting homosexual relationships to heterosexual relationships, the fact remains that homosexual relationships last longer than heterosexual marriages.

In 2005, statistics showed over 8 million gay men and women who live as partners in committed relationships; 12% of the 8 million are married. The relationships usually last 10-20 years or longer. 

Heterosexual marriages end in divorce court over 50 percent of the time, with the divorce rate currently being of its highest to date; a huge increase from the 80's and 90's.

Government proclaims that marriage must stay traditional and sacred between a man and a woman, it doesn't matter if Americans get divorced 50 percent of the time. 

And yes, a drunken night in Las Vegas can easily lead a person to the alter to take on a sacred union that you, your physical self, may be unaware of. 

When heterosexuals marry are they marrying for love or convenience? Is marrying easier for heterosexuals, because they know they can always get out of it?

Makes you wonder doesn't it?

2008 LA